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Get the visibility you need today.

Fair and transparent pricing that scales with any organization.
If usage goes beyond the included monthly quota, your usage rate kicks in.
Free forever
500 monthly sessions
1,000 monthly errors
1,000,000 monthly logs
25,000,000 monthly traces
Unlimited seats
Most popular
Pay as you go
Base tier of $50
Cheaper with higher volume
Filters for data ingest
Unlimited seats
Custom pricing
Custom Compliance Contracts
RBAC & Audit Logs
Data Export
Grafana Integration
Enterprise self-hosted deployment?Get in touch to host Highlight on your own infrastructure with SLAs and support.

Pay as you go.

After reaching the free tier limits, we charge an additional usage-based fee for each product. The $50 base fee unlocks discounted volume pricing automatically. For custom plans, reach out to us.
+$0.00Error MonitoringError monitoring usage is defined by the number of errors collected by Highlight per month. Our frontend/server SDKs send errors, but you can also send custom errors.
+$0.00Session ReplaySession replay usage is defined by the number of sessions collected per month. A session is defined by an instance of a user’s tab on your application.
+$0.00LoggingLog usage is defined by the number of logs collected by per month. A log is defined by a text field with attributes.
+$0.00TracesTracing usage is defined by the number of spans collected per month. Traces consist of multiple spans, each instrumenting a single section of code with customizable attributes.
Total: +$0.00

Our customers

Highlight powers forward-thinking companies. More about our customers →

Frequently asked questions

We love supporting non-profits and offer a 75% discount for the lifetime of the account. To activate the discount, create a workplace on either the Standard or Pro plan. Then reach out to support and mention the discount.

It generally takes an engineer less than ten minutes to understand the concepts of Highlight and integrate the app into their workflow. For more information on setup, take a look at our docs.

Yes! To get a glimpse at how our hobby deployment process looks, take a look here. To get a license key for a production deployment, contacts at

Highlight uses end-to-end encryption to keep your data safe while it’s in transit, and we also offer an on-prem solution if you want to keep customer data on your own servers. For more information, see our security section and docs. If we don't answer your question there, let us know.

Absolutely not! We never ask for your credit card on sign up. If you start on a paid plan then 30 days after signing up you will be politely prompted to enter in your payment information. At anytime you can switch back to a free plan as long as your workplace has less than 6 seats.

We ask for a credit card. Your credit card information will never touch our servers as we use Stripe as our payments processor. For Enterprise customers we can do ACH and custom invoices if requested.

We charge by usage; or number of sessions collected per month. Our billing system uses prorated billing, meaning you only pay for what you use below each of our thresholds (see above). For example if you move to the Startup plan from the Basic plan in the middle of the month, then you will only be charged for the time you are on the paid plan.

A session is contiguous instance of a user's presence on your app for less than 4 hours. That is, if a user is browsing your application for 3 minutes, then closes the tab, this counts as a single session.

Definitely! You can cancel or downgrade your subscription at anytime. You can also delete your workplace in the settings page at anytime.

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